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Home is where
your campervan is.


Home is where
your campervan is.


Willkommen in Heber, willkommen im Herzen der Heide

Welcome to Heber, in the heart
willkommen im Herzen der Heide

Perhaps you’re holidaying in a tent, motorhome, caravan or one of our comfortable rental properties. Whatever you choose, our site is the perfect starting point for the Lüneburg Heath national park and surrounding region.

We offer generous-sized pitches on a site designed like a park. We place top priority on plenty of greenery and lots of space for guests.

Stay with us and enjoy the peace of the countryside. Quite simply, it’s a place to unwind. Have a relaxing swim in the bathing lake, or sip on a cappuccino on our lakeside terrace.

When you stay with us, you organise your day as you wish. Whether you come on foot, by bike, or by car, your holiday starts at our campsite. The Lüneburg Heath national park with its unique scenery and wealth of leisure activities is waiting to be explored.

We want your stay to be a memorable one. Which is why we do everything in our power to make it as pleasant as possible. Contact us if we can help plan your stay.

The whole team’s looking forward to you coming.

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Das erwartet Sie…

…at our campsite

Our campsite’s located in the heart of the Lüneburg Heath nature reserve. Which is why we want our campsite to blend in with its surroundings.

Various themed gardens are appealing additions to our site. The purpose of each garden is to create added value for human beings, flora and fauna. For instance, take our little watercourse with waterfall, which the birds use as a bathtub. Then there’s our berry garden where our guests are invited to pick raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. Our herb garden isn’t just somewhere our chefs picks herbs for the restaurant. You’re also invited to come and do so yourself. It’s equally a place where butterflies and bees thrive. And our small sound garden with bench in front of reception invites you to linger and enjoy a whole host of tunes and the sounds of nature.

We’ve provided free waste bags for our four-legged friends throughout the grounds. There’s also a dog shower and large canine exercise area, as well as a small natural pond to cool off in.

In our view, children play best outside, so we don’t offer any official kids’ entertainment at all. We prefer to foster children’s creativity by allowing them to play in the great outdoors. Very small kids can enjoy our playground equipment. There are all sorts to choose from, ranging from a slide to a climbing frame. Our new gold panning area and water playground on the bathing lake’s beach are just waiting to be explored. You can hire pedal cars from us.

During the school holidays, we hold free marshmallow-toasting evenings around the campfire.

The bathing lake with its sandy beach and a small bathing raft are another highlight. We pull out all the stops to look after the lake. Fed by our own spring and frequently tested by the local health authority, the water quality is consistently good.

For our more energetic guests, our site’s the perfect starting point for discovering the nature reserve. Our campsite is ideal for setting off on miles and miles of cycling and hiking trails.

Come and discover...

...our campsite
